第一屆 數位創新盃 全國電子書設計大賽


[EPUB高峰會]EPUB and the future of ereaders-元太科技傅幼軒總經理

元太科技 傅幼軒總經理

元太科技工業(股)有限公司 總經理

台灣慧智 總經理
普訊創業投資 總經理暨合夥人
羅技電子 遠東區董事長
奎茂 廠長
德州儀器 ORA Manager

美國西岸大學 企管碩士
中原大學 機械學士

Y.S. Fu now is the President of E INK. Y.S. Fu has 30 years experience in the Information Technology industries including active/passive components, computer system and peripherals. Before joining E INK, he was the President of Wyse Technology, General Partner of WK Technology Fund, and General Manager/Chairman of Far East region, Logitech Inc in Fremont, CA. He was also a venture capitalist of many start-up companies in IT industries.

In addition, Fu has experiences in factory management as he worked for TI and QUME as QRA and Plant Manager respectively. For his education background, Fu was graduated from West Coast University for his MBA and had a BS degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Chung Yung University. Moreover, he acquired Mini MBA from AEA, Stanford Executive Institute, in Palo Alto, CA.

  1. EPUB IDPF update & futures-Garth Conboy
  2. Building Good EPUB And Smart Reading Systems - Liza Daly
  3. EPUB and the future of ereaders-元太科技傅幼軒總經理
  4. 台灣目前在IDPF參與成果-資策會陳美莉組長
  5. Pubu書城 三步刊登,不用三分鐘-蔡競賢執行長
  6. Introduction to a Social Reading Website-Jeremy Lu
  7. 一本Mook的EPUB產製流程-繁星多媒體胡惠君

