第一屆 數位創新盃 全國電子書設計大賽


[EPUB高峰會]Building Good EPUB And Smart Reading Systems - Liza Daly

Liza Daly, President, Threepress Consulting
IDPF Board Member

Liza Daly is the president of Threepress Consultin. Threepress Consulting provides software development, training and problem-solving in digital publishing. Threepress Consulting is a leading authority on real-world ebook problems and solutions, from InDesign development to XML-based automated workflows.

In February 2010 Threepress Consulting launched Ibis Reader (http://ibisreader.com/), the first HTML5 web and mobile reading system.

As president of Threepress, Liza Daly consults and speaks on ebook technologies and open source software.Liza Daly has authored several articles on digital publishing and web development for IBM DeveloperWorks, Information Standards Quarterly, and was featured in the 2009 Best of TOC compendium.

In 2009 Daly has been an invited speaker at TOC 2009, the IDPF Digital Book conference, the American Association of University Press meeting, and has given two professional development seminars for the Book Publishers Association of Alberta.

In February 2009 O'Reilly acquired her site Bookworm, a web-based ebook reader showcasing the open ePub standard. It is now part of their Labs R&D program.

Past publishing clients have included Oxford University Press, Columbia University Press, O'Reilly Media, Rosen Publishing and SAGE Publications.

Liza Daly’s Specialties:
Publishing, epub, ebooks, XML, XSLT, XQuery, Python, Django, Pylons, CSS, HTML, HTML5, mobile UI

  1. EPUB IDPF update & futures-Garth Conboy
  2. Building Good EPUB And Smart Reading Systems - Liza Daly
  3. EPUB and the future of ereaders-元太科技傅幼軒總經理
  4. 台灣目前在IDPF參與成果-資策會陳美莉組長
  5. Pubu書城 三步刊登,不用三分鐘-蔡競賢執行長
  6. Introduction to a Social Reading Website-Jeremy Lu
  7. 一本Mook的EPUB產製流程-繁星多媒體胡惠君

